Ideal Solution of The London-based Architect for Homeless Ones

Wide, airy and in central location… It’s not a house, but it’s a shelter designed for homeless ones. This project winning the top prize in the “Space for New Visions” competition organised by Farko is worthy to be praised. The artist James Furzer, 26, from Dagenham named its project as “Shelter for The Homeless Ones”. He says that he made this project after witnessing that homeless people struggle to sleep on steel spikes. Even though he doesn’t hold out a promise for the comfort of five-star hotel with its design, he presents a nice solution for homeless people who want to escape from the crowd in the city for a couple hours and sleep well.

5shelterThese floating pods made of plywood and steel are accessed by a small ladder. The pods, which provide a temporary night stay for homeless ones, includes a pull-down surface, a mattress and shelters mounted to place personal belongings. Although Furzer knows that this won’t be a certain remedy for homelessness problem in the capital, he believes that its project will raise awareness for a thousand homeless people in society.

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Mr. Furzer also said: “It is a shelter from not only the harsh and unpredictable weather conditions of Britain, but a shelter from the general public who feel the homeless should be frowned upon and mistreated.”

London, United Kingdom. 9th June 2014 -- A prominent housing activist states a protest which is backed and supported by thousands throughout the country. The media interest has been intense. -- Dangerous spikes that have been planted in doorways to deter the homeless have brought outrage to the capital. Boris Johnson says they are 'stupid' and may have plans to remove them. Homelessness is not a crime and should be rigorously addressed. Protest against controversial spikes used to deter homeless in London


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